Priv.-Doz. Dr. med. Jan Schmitges
- Geb. 1978
- Studium Universität Hamburg
- Approbation 2005
- Promotion 2007 „Anatomische Studie an menschlichen Ellenbogengelenken zur Weiterentwicklung einer Ellenbogengelenksprothese“
- Habilitation 2015 „Unterschiede in der Versorgungsqualität bei Patienten mit Prostatakrebs“
- Lehrberechtigung der Universität Hamburg
- Auslandsjahr „Cancer Prognostics and Health Outcomes Unit“ an der Universität Montréal, Kanada, 2010 bis 2011
- Ausbildung zum Facharzt für Urologie am Universitätsklinikum Hamburg-Eppendorf und Martiniklinik bis 2012
- Oberarzt HELIOS Klinikum Krefeld bis 2017
- Zentrumskoordinator HELIOS Prostatakrebszentrum Krefeld bis 2017
- Leitung kinderurologische Sprechstunde HELIOS Klinikum Krefeld bis 2017
- Reviewertätigkeiten für Fachjournale „European Urology“ und „Urology“
- Zusatzbezeichnung medikamentöse Tumortherapie 2018
- Niederlassung in der Urologie Mönchengladbach 2018
- Fachexperte Prostatakarzinom der Deutschen Krebsgesellschaft (Onkozert) 2020
- Schmitges J, Karakiewicz PI, Sun M, Abdollah F, Budaus L, Isbarn H, Bianchi M, Trinh QD, Schlomm T, Chun FK, Graefen M and Steuber T: Predicting the risk of lymph node invasion during radical prostatectomy using the European Association of Urology guideline nomogram: a validation study. Eur J Surg Oncol. 38: 624-9, 2012.
- Schmitges J, Sun M, Abdollah F, Trinh QD, Jeldres C, Budaus L, Bianchi M, Hansen J, Schlomm T, Perrotte P, Graefen M and Karakiewicz PI: Blood transfusions in radical prostatectomy: a contemporary population-based analysis. Urology. 79: 332-8, 2012.
- Schmitges J, Trinh QD, Abdollah F, Sun M, Bianchi M, Budaus L, Zorn K, Perotte P, Schlomm T, Haese A, Montorsi F, Menon M, Graefen M and Karakiewicz PI: A population-based analysis of temporal perioperative complication rates after minimally invasive radical prostatectomy. Eur Urol. 60: 564-71, 2011.
- Schmitges J, Trinh QD, Bianchi M, Sun M, Abdollah F, Ahyai SA, Jeldres C, Steuber T, Perrotte P, Shariat SF, Menon M, Montorsi F, Graefen M and Karakiewicz PI: The effect of annual surgical caseload on the rates of in-hospital pneumonia and other in-hospital outcomes after radical prostatectomy. Int Urol Nephrol. 44: 799-806, 2012.
- Schmitges J, Trinh QD, Jonas L, Budaus L, Larbig R, Schlomm T, Karakiewicz PI, Heinzer H, Huland H, Graefen M and Steuber T: Influence of low-molecular-weight heparin dosage on red blood cell transfusion, lymphocele rate and drainage duration after open radical prostatectomy. Eur J Surg Oncol. 38: 1082-8, 2012.
- Schmitges J, Trinh QD, Sun M, Abdollah F, Bianchi M, Budaus L, Hansen J, Eichelberg C, Perrotte P, Shariat SF, Menon M, Montorsi F, Graefen M and Karakiewicz PI: Annual prostatectomy volume is related to rectal laceration rate after radical prostatectomy. Urology. 79: 796-803, 2012.
- Schmitges J, Trinh QD, Sun M, Abdollah F, Bianchi M, Budaus L, Salomon G, Schlomm T, Perrotte P, Shariat SF, Montorsi F, Menon M, Graefen M and Karakiewicz PI: Venous thromboembolism after radical prostatectomy: the effect of surgical caseload. BJU Int. 110: 828-33, 2012.
- Schmitges J, Trinh QD, Sun M, Hansen J, Bianchi M, Jeldres C, Perrotte P, Dahlem R, Shariat SF, Chun FK, Montorsi F, Menon M, Fisch M, Graefen M and Karakiewicz PI: Higher perioperative morbidity and in-hospital mortality in patients with end-stage renal disease undergoing nephrectomy for non-metastatic kidney cancer: a population-based analysis. BJU Int. 110: E183-90, 2012.
- Schmitges J, Trinh QD, Walz J and Graefen M: Surgery for high-risk localized prostate cancer. Ther Adv Urol. 3: 173-82, 2011.
- Schmitges J, Trinh QD, Bianchi M, Sun M, Abdollah F, Ahyai SA, Jeldres C, Steuber T, Perrotte P, Shariat SF, Menon M, Montorsi F, Graefen M and Karakiewicz PI: The effect of annual surgical caseload on the rates of in-hospital pneumonia and other in-hospital outcomes after radical prostatectomy. Int Urol Nephrol. 44: 799-806, 2012.
- Trinh QD, Schmitges J, Bianchi M, Sun M, Shariat SF, Sammon J, Jeldres C, Zorn K, Sukumar S, Perrotte P, Graefen M, Rogers CG, Peabody JO, Menon M and Karakiewicz PI: Node-positive renal cell carcinoma in the absence of distant metastases: predictors of cancer-specific mortality in a population-based cohort. BJU Int. 110: E21-7, 2012.
- Trinh QD, Schmitges J, Sun M, Sammon J, Shariat SF, Sukumar S, Zorn K, Bianchi M, Jeldres C, Perrotte P, Graefen M, Rogers CG, Peabody JO, Menon M and Karakiewicz PI: Does partial nephrectomy at an academic institution result in better outcomes? World J Urol. 30: 505-10, 2012.
- Trinh QD, Schmitges J, Sun M, Shariat SF, Sukumar S, Bianchi M, Tian Z, Jeldres C, Sammon J, Perrotte P, Graefen M, Peabody JO, Menon M and Karakiewicz PI: Radical prostatectomy at academic versus nonacademic institutions: a population based analysis. J Urol. 186: 1849-54, 2011.
- Trinh QD, Schmitges J, Sun M, Shariat SF, Sukumar S, Tian Z, Bianchi M, Sammon J, Perrotte P, Rogers CG, Graefen M, Peabody JO, Menon M and Karakiewicz PI: Open radical prostatectomy in the elderly: a case for concern? BJU Int. 109: 1335-40, 2012.
- Trinh QD, Schmitges J, Sun M, Sukumar S, Sammon J, Shariat SF, Jeldres C, Bianchi M, Tian Z, Perrotte P, Rogers CG, Graefen M, Peabody JO, Menon M and Karakiewicz PI: Improvement of racial disparities with respect to the utilization of minimally invasive radical prostatectomy in the United States. Cancer. 118: 1894-900, 2012.
- Abdollah F, Schmitges J, Sun M, Thuret R, Djahangirian O, Tian Z, Shariat SF, Briganti A, Perrotte P, Montorsi F and Karakiewicz PI: Head-to-head comparison of three commonly used preoperative tools for prediction of lymph node invasion at radical prostatectomy. Urology. 78: 1363-7, 2011.
- Abdollah F, Schmitges J, Sun M, Shariat SF, Briganti A, Abdo A, Tian Z, Perrotte P, Montorsi F and Karakiewicz PI: A population-based assessment of the National Comprehensive Cancer Network practice guideline indications for pelvic lymph node dissection at radical prostatectomy. BJU Int. 109: 1177-82, 2012.
- Abdollah F, Schmitges J, Sun M, Thuret R, Djahangirian O, Jeldres C, Shariat SF, Graefen M, Perrotte P, Montorsi F and Karakiewicz PI: Hospital and surgical caseload are predictors of comprehensive surgical treatment for bladder cancer: a population based study. J Urol. 186: 824-8, 2011.
- Abdollah F, Schmitges J, Sun M, Tian Z, Briganti A, Shariat SF, Perrotte P, Montorsi F and Karakiewicz PI: A critical assessment of the value of lymph node dissection at radical prostatectomy: A population-based study. Prostate, 2011.
- Abdollah F, Schmitges J, Sun M, Jeldres C, Tian Z, Briganti A, Shariat SF, Perrotte P, Montorsi F and Karakiewicz PI: Comparison of mortality outcomes after radical prostatectomy versus radiotherapy in patients with localized prostate cancer: a population-based analysis. Int J Urol. 19: 836-44; author reply 844-5, 2012.
- Larbig R, Dittrich R, Kochhaeuser S, Leitz P, Guener F, Korsukewitz C, Dechering D, Pott C, Wasmer K, Schmitges J, Kerckhoff M, Eckhardt L, Moennig G: Influence of Clinical Parameters and Anticoagulation on Intraprocedural Cerebral Microembolic Signals during Pulmonary Vein Isolation. PLoS One. 21;11(6), 2016
- Abdollah F, Gandaglia G, Thuret R, Schmitges J, Tian Z, Jeldres C, Passoni NM, Briganti A, Shariat SF, Perrotte P, Montorsi F, Karakiewicz PI, Sun M: Incidence, survival and mortality rates of stage-specific bladder cancer in United States: a trend analysis. Cancer Epidemiol. 37(3):219-25; 2013
- Trinh QD, Sukumar S, Schmitges J, Bianchi M, Sun M, Shariat SF, Sammon JD, Jeldres C, Zorn KC, Perrotte P, Graefen M, Rogers CG, Peabody JO, Menon M, Karakiewicz PI Effect of nodal metastases on cancer-specific mortality after cytoreductive nephrectomy. Ann Surg Oncol. 20(6), 2013
- Bianchi M, Trinh QD, Sun M, Meskawi M, Schmitges J, Shariat SF, Briganti A, Tian Z, Jeldres C, Sukumar S, Peabody JO, Graefen M, Perrotte P, Menon M, Montorsi F and Karakiewicz PI: Impact of academic affiliation on radical cystectomy outcomes in North America: A population-based study. Can Urol Assoc J. 6: 245-50, 2012.
- Abdollah F, Abdo A, Sun M, Schmitges J, Tian Z, Briganti A, Shariat SF, Perrotte P, Montorsi F and Karakiewicz PI: Pelvic lymph node dissection for prostate cancer: Adherence and accuracy of the recent guidelines. Int J Urol, 2012.
- Sammon J, Trinh QD, Sun M, Bianchi M, Schmitges J, Shariat SF, Ghani KR, Sukumar S, Jeldres C, Briganti A, Perrotte P, Rogers CG, Peabody JO, Montorsi F, Menon M and Karakiewicz PI: The effect of gender on nephrectomy perioperative outcomes: a national survey. Can J Urol. 19: 6337-44, 2012.
- Hansen J, Sun M, Bianchi M, Rink M, Tian Z, Hanna N, Meskawi M, Schmitges J, Shariat SF, Chun FK, Perrotte P, Graefen M and Karakiewicz PI: Assessment of cancer control outcomes in patients with high-risk renal cell carcinoma treated with partial nephrectomy. Urology. 80: 347-53, 2012.
- Abdollah F, Sun M, Schmitges J, Thuret R, Bianchi M, Shariat SF, Briganti A, Jeldres C, Perrotte P, Montorsi F and Karakiewicz PI: Survival benefit of radical prostatectomy in patients with localized prostate cancer: estimations of the number needed to treat according to tumor and patient characteristics. J Urol. 188: 73-83, 2012.
- Abdollah F, Schmitges J, Sun M, Jeldres C, Tian Z, Briganti A, Shariat SF, Perrotte P, Montorsi F and Karakiewicz PI: Comparison of mortality outcomes after radical prostatectomy versus radiotherapy in patients with localized prostate cancer: a population-based analysis. Int J Urol. 19: 836-44; author reply 844-5, 2012.
- Sammon JD, Trinh QD, Sukumar S, Ravi P, Friedman A, Sun M, Schmitges J, Jeldres C, Jeong W, Mander N, Peabody JO, Karakiewicz PI and Harris M: Risk factors for biochemical recurrence following radical perineal prostatectomy in a large contemporary series: A detailed assessment of margin extent and location. Urol Oncol, 2012.
- Sammon JD, Morgan M, Djahangirian O, Trinh QD, Sun M, Ghani KR, Jeong W, Jhaveri J, Ehlert M, Schmitges J, Bianchi M, Shariat SF, Perrotte P, Rogers CG, Peabody JO, Menon M and Karakiewicz PI: Marital status: a gender-independent risk factor for poorer survival after radical cystectomy. BJU Int. 110: 1301-9, 2012.
- Bianchi M, Trinh QD, Sun M, Sammon J, Schmitges J, Shariat SF, Sukumar S, Ghani KR, Jeldres C, Perrotte P, Rogers CG, Briganti A, Peabody JO, Montorsi F, Menon M and Karakiewicz PI: Discharge patterns after radical cystectomy: contemporary trends in the United States. J Urol. 187: 1206-9, 2012.
- Abdollah F, Sun M, Schmitges J, Thuret R, Tian Z, Shariat SF, Briganti A, Jeldres C, Perrotte P, Montorsi F and Karakiewicz PI: Competing-risks mortality after radiotherapy vs. observation for localized prostate cancer: a population-based study. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 84: 95-103, 2012.
- Zorn KC, Trinh QD, Jeldres C, Schmitges J, Widmer H, Lattouf JB, Sammon J, Liberman D, Sun M, Bianchi M, Karakiewicz PI, Denis R, Gautam G and El-Hakim A: Prospective randomized trial of barbed polyglyconate suture to facilitate vesico-urethral anastomosis during robot-assisted radical prostatectomy: time reduction and cost benefit. BJU Int. 109: 1526-32, 2012.
- Trinh QD, Sammon J, Sun M, Ravi P, Ghani KR, Bianchi M, Jeong W, Shariat SF, Hansen J, Schmitges J, Jeldres C, Rogers CG, Peabody JO, Montorsi F, Menon M and Karakiewicz PI: Perioperative outcomes of robot-assisted radical prostatectomy compared with open radical prostatectomy: results from the nationwide inpatient sample. Eur Urol. 61: 679-85, 2012.
- Sun M, Bianchi M, Trinh QD, Abdollah F, Schmitges J, Jeldres C, Shariat SF, Graefen M, Montorsi F, Perrotte P and Karakiewicz PI: Hospital volume is a determinant of postoperative complications, blood transfusion and length of stay after radical or partial nephrectomy. J Urol. 187: 405-10, 2012.
- Trinh QD, Bianchi M, Sun M, Sammon J, Schmitges J, Shariat SF, Sukumar S, Jeldres C, Zorn K, Perrotte P, Rogers CG, Peabody JO, Montorsi F, Menon M and Karakiewicz PI: Discharge patterns after radical prostatectomy in the United States of America. Urol Oncol, 2011.
- Trinh QD, Schmitges J, Sun M, Sammon J, Shariat SF, Zorn K, Sukumar S, Bianchi M, Perrotte P, Graefen M, Rogers CG, Peabody JO, Menon M and Karakiewicz PI: Morbidity and mortality of radical prostatectomy differs by insurance status. Cancer. 118: 1803-10, 2012.
- Sun M, Abdollah F, Shariat SF, Schmitges J, Trinh QD, Tian Z, Jeldres C, Abdo A, Bianchi M, Briganti A, Montorsi F, Perrotte P and Karakiewicz PI: Propensity-score matched comparison of complications, blood transfusions, length of stay, and in-hospital mortality between open and laparoscopic partial nephrectomy: a national series. Eur J Surg Oncol. 38: 80-7, 2012.
- Sun M, Abdollah F, Schmitges J, Bianchi M, Tian Z, Shariat SF, Zorn K, Pharand D, Widmer H, Graefen M, Montorsi F, Perrotte P and Karakiewicz PI: Cytoreductive nephrectomy in the elderly: a population-based cohort from the USA. BJU Int. 109: 1807-12, 2012.
- Abdo A, Trinh QD, Sun M, Schmitges J, Bianchi M, Sammon J, Shariat SF, Sukumar S, Zorn K, Jeldres C, Perrotte P, Rogers CG, Peabody JO, Menon M and Karakiewicz PI: The effect of insurance status on outcomes after partial nephrectomy. Int Urol Nephrol. 44: 343-51, 2012.
- Bianchi M, Sun M, Jeldres C, Shariat SF, Trinh QD, Briganti A, Tian Z, Schmitges J, Graefen M, Perrotte P, Menon M, Montorsi F and Karakiewicz PI: Distribution of metastatic sites in renal cell carcinoma: a population-based analysis. Ann Oncol. 23: 973-80, 2012.
- Abdollah F, Sun M, Schmitges J, Djahangirian O, Tian Z, Jeldres C, Perrotte P, Shariat SF, Montorsi F and Karakiewicz PI: Stage-specific impact of pelvic lymph node dissection on survival in patients with non-metastatic bladder cancer treated with radical cystectomy. BJU Int. 109: 1147-54, 2012.
- Abdollah F, Sun M, Jeldres C, Schmitges J, Thuret R, Djahangirian O, Tian Z, Shariat SF, Perrotte P, Montorsi F and Karakiewicz PI: Survival after radical cystectomy of non-bilharzial squamous cell carcinoma vs urothelial carcinoma: a competing-risks analysis. BJU Int. 109: 564-9, 2012.
- Abdollah F, Sun M, Schmitges J, Tian Z, Jeldres C, Briganti A, Shariat SF, Perrotte P, Montorsi F and Karakiewicz PI: Cancer-specific and other-cause mortality after radical prostatectomy versus observation in patients with prostate cancer: competing-risks analysis of a large North American population-based cohort. Eur Urol. 60: 920-30, 2011.
- Abdollah F, Sun M, Schmitges J, Thuret R, Djahangirian O, Jeldres C, Tian Z, Shariat SF, Perrotte P, Montorsi F and Karakiewicz PI: Development and validation of a reference table for prediction of postoperative mortality rate in patients treated with radical cystectomy: a population-based study. Ann Surg Oncol. 19: 309-17, 2012.
- Sun M, Abdollah F, Budaus L, Liberman D, Tian Z, Morgan M, Johal R, Schmitges J, Shariat SF, Montorsi F, Greafen M, Perrotte P and Karakiewicz PI: Trends of retroperitoneal lymphadenectomy use in patients with nonseminomatous germ cell tumor of the testis: a population-based study. Ann Surg Oncol. 18: 2997-3004, 2011.
- Abdollah F, Sun M, Briganti A, Thuret R, Schmitges J, Gallina A, Suardi N, Capitanio U, Salonia A, Shariat SF, Perrotte P, Rigatti P, Montorsi F and Karakiewicz PI: Critical assessment of the European Association of Urology guideline indications for pelvic lymph node dissection at radical prostatectomy. BJU Int. 108: 1769-75, 2011.
- Abdollah F, Sun M, Thuret R, Schmitges J, Shariat SF, Perrotte P, Montorsi F and Karakiewicz PI: Mortality and morbidity after cytoreductive nephrectomy for metastatic renal cell carcinoma: a population-based study. Ann Surg Oncol. 18: 2988-96, 2011.
- Abdollah F, Sun M, Shariat SF, Schmitges J, Djahangirian O, Tian Z, Jeldres C, Perrotte P, Montorsi F and Karakiewicz PI: The importance of pelvic lymph node dissection in the elderly population: implications for interpreting the 2010 National Comprehensive Cancer Network practice guidelines for bladder cancer treatment. J Urol. 185: 2078-84, 2011.
- Budaus L, Morgan M, Abdollah F, Zorn KC, Sun M, Johal R, Thuret R, Abdo A, Schmitges J, Isbarn H, Jeldres C, Perrotte P, Graefen M and Karakiewicz PI: Impact of annual surgical volume on length of stay in patients undergoing minimally invasive prostatectomy: a population-based study. Eur J Surg Oncol. 37: 429-34, 2011.
- Thuret R, Sun M, Abdollah F, Schmitges J, Shariat SF, Iborra F, Guiter J, Patard JJ, Perrotte P and Karakiewicz PI: Conditional survival predictions after surgery for patients with penile carcinoma. Cancer. 117: 3723-30, 2011.
- Abdollah F, Sun M, Schmitges J, Thuret R, Djahangirian O, Jeldres C, Tian Z, Shariat SF, Perrotte P, Montorsi F and Karakiewicz PI: Surgical caseload is an important determinant of continent urinary diversion rate at radical cystectomy: a population-based study. Ann Surg Oncol. 18: 2680-7, 2011.
- Budaus L, Spethmann J, Isbarn H, Schmitges J, Beesch L, Haese A, Salomon G, Schlomm T, Fisch M, Heinzer H, Huland H, Graefen M and Steuber T: Inverse stage migration in patients undergoing radical prostatectomy: results of 8916 European patients treated within the last decade. BJU Int. 108: 1256-61, 2011.
- Sun M, Thuret R, Abdollah F, Lughezzani G, Schmitges J, Tian Z, Shariat SF, Montorsi F, Patard JJ, Perrotte P and Karakiewicz PI: Age-adjusted incidence, mortality, and survival rates of stage-specific renal cell carcinoma in North America: a trend analysis. Eur Urol. 59: 135-41, 2011.
- Schmitges J and Sommer F: Ejaculatio praecox – das Mysterium einer Krankheit. Blickpunkt der Mann. 4: 29-35, 2006.
- Schmitges J and Graefen M: Post-operative Sexual Function Following Radical Prostatectomy. European Urological Review. 6: 38-42, 2011.
- Mathers M, Schmitges J, Klotz T and Sommer F: Einführung in die Diagnostik und Therapie der Ejaculatio praecox. Deutsches Ärzteblatt. 104: A3475-A3480, 2007.
- Schmitges J, Trinh QD, Walz J and Graefen M: Surgery for high-risk localized prostate cancer. Ther Adv Urol. 3: 173-82, 2011.
- Trinh QD, Sammon J, Jhaveri J, Sun M, Ghani KR, Schmitges J, Jeong W, Peabody JO, Karakiewicz PI and Menon M: Variations in the quality of care at radical prostatectomy. Ther Adv Urol. 4: 61-75, 2012.
- Schmitges J, Rose J, Pollmanns J, Graefen M, Neukirch B, Friedrich M.G. , Droesler S, Weyermann M: A POPULATION BASED ANALYSIS OF COMPLICATIONS AFTER RADICAL PROSTATECTOMY – RESULTS FROM THE GERMAN DRG DATABASE The Journal of Urology 195(4), AUA 2016 (Vortrag)
- Schmitges J, Spethmann J, Isbarn H, Budaus L, Weissbach L, Heinzer H, Huland H, Graefen M and Chun FK: THE RATE OF ADVERSE DISEASE AND BIOCHEMICAL RECURRENCE AFTER RADICAL PROSTATECTOMY IN PATIENTS ELIGIBLE FOR ACTIVE SURVEILLANCE Der Urologe. 51 Supplements 1: 12-151, DGU 2012 (Poster).
- Schmitges J, Spethmann J, Budaus L, Isbarn H, Chun FK, Steuber T, Heinzer H, Huland H and Graefen M: PREVALENCE AND PROGNOSTIC SIGNIFICANCE OF FAMILY HISTORY IN 7.135 PATIENTS WITH PROSTATE CANCER UNDERGOING RADICAL PROSTATECTOMY. Der Urologe. 51 Supplement 1: 12-151, DGU 2012 (Vortrag).
- Schmitges J, Budaus L, Spethmann J, Steuber T, Salomon G, Haese A, Michel U, Fisch M, Heinzer H, Huland H and Graefen M: INFLUENCE OF HIGH DOSE LOW MOLECULAR WEIGHT HEPARIN ON BLOOD TRANSFUSION AND LYMPHOCELE RATE IN OPEN RADICAL PROSTATECTOMY European Urology Supplements. 19 March: 332-333, EAU 2011 (Poster).
- Schmitges J, Budaus L, Jeldres C, Djahangirian O, Ismail S, Hansen J, Chun FK and Karakiewicz PI: OPEN RADICAL PROSTATECTOMY PERFORMED BY LOW VOLUME SURGEONS PREDISPOSES TO HIGHER RATES OF VENOUS THROMBOSIS AND PULMONARY EMBOLISM European Urology Supplements. 19 March: 333, EAU 2011 (Poster)
- Schmitges J, Abdollah F, Sun M, Thuret R, Jeldres C, Liberman D, Djahangirian O, Shariat SF, Perrotte P, Steuber T, Montorsi F, Graefen M and Karakiewicz PI: IMPORTANT RACIAL DISPARITY EXISTS WITH RESPECT TO THE USE OF MINIMALLY INVASIVE RADICAL PROSTATECTOMY IN THE UNITED STATES Journal of Urology. 185: e265, AUA 2011 (Vortrag).
- Schmitges J, Abdollah F, Sun M, Jeldres C, Budaus L, Isbarn H, Liberman D, Djahangirian O, Perrotte P, Chun FK, Montorsi F, Haese A, Graefen M and Karakiewicz PI: RADICAL PROSTATECTOMY IN THE ELDERLY: A CASE FOR CONCERN? . Journal of Urology. 185: e195, AUA 2011 (Vortrag).
- Schmitges J, Abdollah F, Jeldres C, Budaus L, Tian Z, Hansen J, Djahangirian O, Graefen M and Karakiewicz PI: HOMOLOGOUS AND AUTOLOGOUS BLOOD TRANS- FUSION RATES IN OPEN RADICAL PROSTATECTOMY: A POPULATION-BASED ANALYSIS European Urology Supplements. 19 March: 332, EAU 2011 (Poster).